Jade + Pierce
Thank you for finding us and sharing part of your day here. Within our pages you will find all sorts of products for intentional living. My hope is that you will be lifted up, inspired to create your own sanctuary, and in turn be a catalyst of change to help and give to others in any way you can. A portion of our proceeds will be donated to our favorite pet rescue here in the DFW area.
We believe we are here to help and encourage each other through this life. This project is now our passion and the name comes from the honoring of my children.
Sometimes we are thrust into situations we are not ready for, and we know for certain we are not promised tomorrow. There may be no tomorrow. Live your best life today and everyday.

Here I honor my beautiful daughter, Jade, who transitioned into heaven much too soon this past March 2023- and I honor my son, Pierce, who was with her when it happened. He now lives his life without his sister and best friend.
Pierce is my hero. He is strong and precious at the same time. They both wore/wear number 7 on the soccer field, and a large amount of the product offerings will be things they love. These include anything artisan made, holistic self- care, plants, pets, clothing, and jewelry. Jade and Pierce are people who build others up, so we want to bring things that honor that way of living.
We want you to see our love for humankind when we bring organic, eco-friendly, unique, sustainable, and handmade items to this online market.
Welcome to Seven’s Place.